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DUI Plus Traffic Violation: How to Mount a Defense

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A DUI charge is bad enough on its own. If you throw in some other traffic offense, you could be looking at very serious consequences including punitive fines, mandatory classes on alcohol usage, installation of an ignition interlock device, jail time, or suspension of your driver's license.

All these options are highly undesirable since they can hurt your finances, take up your time, and inconvenience you greatly.

If you're facing a charge for a DUI plus another traffic violation, you have to be properly prepared when your day in court comes. If you can't mount a proper defense, you could be in a world of trouble.

Hire an Attorney Immediately

If you're imagining standing up in court to fight these charges on your own, you're in more trouble than you realize. As much as you may want to convince yourself that you have the capacity to represent yourself in court, it unlikely that you're ready for what's coming.

Fighting DUI charges and other traffic violations can be quite difficult even with a lawyer. It takes some experience to know how you can dispute the information that will be presented against you. A criminal defense lawyer with experience in DUI law has the experience to know how to approach the case based on the facts to increase your chances of winning. Alternatively, an attorney can also reach a deal with the prosecutor to have the charges reduced.

Know Why You Were Pulled Over

A police officer must have a valid reason for pulling you over even before they can test whether you're under the influence or not. Justifiable reasons include swerving dangerously on the road, overspeeding, or having a broken tail light.

If a police officer can't properly explain why he or she pulled you over in the first place, the entire case can be thrown out. This is why you must find out this and more information about the charge.

Write Down a Record of Events as You Remember Them

As soon as you can, you should write down the details of the event that led up to the charge. This includes everything the police did or said. Such a record should be made when the details are still fresh on your mind as they can help to expose misconduct on the part of the police. This can be a good thing for your case. You should also have any relevant documents ready, including the results of the breathalyzer and your blood sample test results.
